Benchmarks: 61

Star Citizen

Quantum Travel 1st vs 3rd Person 4K SC 3.18 PTU - 8346551

Logging the performance delta between Quantum Travel in first person view and Quantum Travel in third person view (i.e. outside ship camera). This comparison is to see the performance drop associated with the ship cockpit UI/HUD

Distro: Garuda Linux
Kernel: 6.1.7-zen1-1-zen
GPU Driver: 4.6 Mesa 22.3.3
GPU: Radeon RX 6800/6800 XT / 6900 XT
CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 3950X 16-Core Processor
RAM: 65 GB


Color Name 1% Min Avg 97th percentile Avg % vs First Person View Quantum Travel 3.18 PTU 8346551
First Person View Quantum Travel 3.18 PTU 8346551 13 33 44 100.0 %
Third Person View Quantum Travel 3.18 PTU 8346551 27 43 55 130.3 %