Cyberpunk 2077 Benchmark - VKD3D vs Windows
Wolfenstein: Youngblood benchmark - NAS Linux vs Windows
Wolfenstein: Youngblood benchmark - RTX Linux vs Windows
CPU Scheduler Benchmark - 6 Games - BMQ PDS Undead PDS
Borderlands 3 Benchmark - DXVK vs VKD3D vs Windows
World War Z Benchmark - DXVK vs Vulkan vs Windows
Dota 2 Benchmark - Linux vs Windows
[AMD] Red Dead Redemption 2 Benchmark - Wine vs Windows
Red Dead Redemption 2 Benchmark - Wine vs Windows
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Benchmark - Linux vs Windows
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Benchmark - Linux vs Windows
RESIDENT EVIL 2 Benchmark - DXVK vs VKD3D vs Windows
[NVIDIA] Doom Eternal Benchmark - Linux vs Windows
Control Benchmark - DXVK vs VKD3D vs Windows
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Benchmark - Native vs DXVK vs VKD3D vs Windows