
Apex Legends

Benchmarks: 14

SMT off vs SMT on r5Apex

Self explanatory

9 months ago

Distro: Arch Linux
Kernel: 6.5.3-273-tkg-eevdf
GPU Driver:
GPU: AMD Radeon RX 6800 XT (RADV NAVI21)
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D 8-Core Processor
RAM: 32 GB

BattleBit Remastered

Battlefield 4

Benchmarks: 14

Ananicy-cpp on vs off

about 1 year ago

Distro: Steam Runtime 2 (soldier)
Kernel: 6.2.15-273-tkg-cfs
GPU Driver:
GPU: Radeon RX 6800/6800 XT / 6900 XT
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X 8-Core Processor
RAM: 32 GB

Battlefield V

Benchmarks: 14

CachyOS Proton vs TKG Proton (as of 27.12.2023)

7 months ago

Distro: Arch Linux
Kernel: 6.6.8-273-tkg-eevdf
GPU Driver:
GPU: AMD Radeon RX 6800 XT (RADV NAVI21)
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D 8-Core Processor
RAM: 32 GB

Benchmarks: 14

xTheWhale BIOS settings vs Stock

9 months ago

Benchmarks: 14

DOCP vs Tuned RAM 5800X3D

about 1 year ago

Distro: Steam Runtime 3 (sniper)
Kernel: 6.4.3-1-cachyos
GPU Driver:
GPU: Radeon RX 6800/6800 XT / 6900 XT
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D 8-Core Processor
RAM: 32 GB

Benchmarks: 14

Margin of error in the BFV benchmark

For reference

about 1 year ago

Distro: Arch Linux
Kernel: 6.3.5-273-tkg-cfs
GPU Driver:
GPU: Radeon RX 6800/6800 XT / 6900 XT
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X 8-Core Processor
RAM: 32 GB

Benchmarks: 14

AMD-PSTATE active vs default

self explanatory really

about 1 year ago

Distro: Arch Linux
Kernel: 6.3.5-273-tkg-cfs
GPU Driver: 4.5 Mesa 23.1.1
GPU: Radeon RX 6800/6800 XT / 6900 XT
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X 8-Core Processor
RAM: 32 GB

Benchmarks: 14

Recording on vs off

Recording with GStreamer VAAPI OBS plugin compared to no recording, addition of AMF in the works, previously measured to be around 1-2% :-D

about 1 year ago

Distro: Arch Linux
Kernel: 6.3.5-273-tkg-cfs
GPU Driver: 4.5 Mesa 23.1.1
GPU: Radeon RX 6800/6800 XT / 6900 XT
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X 8-Core Processor
RAM: 32 GB

Benchmarks: 14

Proton versions compared

Comparison between popular Proton versions

about 1 year ago

Distro: Steam Runtime 3 (sniper)
Kernel: 6.3.5-273-tkg-cfs
GPU Driver:
GPU: Radeon RX 6800/6800 XT / 6900 XT
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X 8-Core Processor
RAM: 32 GB

Benchmarks: 14

CachyOS vs TKG Arch Linux

Comparison between Arch Linux using the TKG kernel with ananicy cpp against CachyOS running the cachyOS default kernel, also running ananicy. Results at textures ultra, filtering ultra, mesh ultra, everything else low. Note that CachyOS had lower GPU usage for some reason. Also note that CachyOS did feel snappier on the desktop. Not very scientific but important to note in either way.

about 1 year ago

Distro: Steam Runtime 3 (sniper)
Kernel: 6.3.4-1-cachyos
GPU Driver:
GPU: Radeon RX 6800/6800 XT / 6900 XT
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X 8-Core Processor
RAM: 32 GB

Benchmarks: 14

guapow on vs off

about 1 year ago

Distro: Steam Runtime 2 (soldier)
Kernel: 6.2.15-273-tkg-cfs
GPU Driver:
GPU: Radeon RX 6800/6800 XT / 6900 XT
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X 8-Core Processor
RAM: 32 GB

Benchmarks: 14

CPU Schedulers/TKG kernel

Comparison of four different schedulers (PDS, BORE, BMQ and CFS)

over 1 year ago

Distro: Steam Runtime 2 (soldier)
Kernel: 6.1.24-273-tkg-bmq
GPU Driver:
GPU: Radeon RX 6800/6800 XT / 6900 XT
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X 8-Core Processor
RAM: 32 GB