triffy. Benchmarks: 3
Played on Low, on Native 1080p. Map is Dust 2, Deathmatch.
Distro: Steam Runtime 3 (sniper) Kernel: 6.5.0-valve22-1-neptune-65-g9a338ed8a75e GPU Driver: GPU: AMD Custom GPU 0405 (RADV VANGOGH) CPU: AMD Custom APU 0405 RAM: 15 GB
Limbus Company on Steam Deck, docked on High Settings. Played on 120hz, on both original Deck resolution 1280x800 and 1920x1080. This test is made through Mirror Dungeon 5 - MIrror of the Dreaming. There are some anomaly on frame time, sadly.
Questing and doing some Dark Anchors a bit. Played with some addons, The settings are: High Texture, TAA, Ultra Quality FSR, High Subsampling, Low Shadow, SSR Off, Planar Reflection Off, <1024 Particles, <30 particle supression, 40 View Distance, Software Occlusion Off, Low Grass, DOF off, Char Res. High, Bloom On, Distortion On, Sunlight Rays off, Show Add. Ally Effects Off.